How you can Observe Smokeless, Noiseless and safe Diwali without crackers
How you can Observe Smokeless, Noiseless and safe Diwali without crackers
Diwali is a festival that signifies the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, smokeless and hopes over despair without crackers. This year Diwali observe smokeless noiseless and green safe Diwali. It is a festival of lights. One of India’s biggest festivals. This festival of lights is just around the corner and the celebrations have already started.
However, in the recent years, wasteful celebrations have not only put a great tightly on the environment but have also put people’s health post. Air pollution levels rise to dangerous levels, energy, and food wastage increases aggressive, plastic packaging and cracker refuse rubbish the roads and several elderly people and animals suffer from stress attacks.
The pollutants associated with firecrackers make it difficult to breathe and are linked to many respiratory problems as well. The loud noises and blinding flashes also give severe anxiety attacks to animals and birds.
Diwali is no doubt a festival of lights. And once you go to the market for Diwali shopping, its difficult to resist the temptation of shopping for those eye-catching LED lights, lamps and curtains, all made with low quality plastic. People should also use natural colors, flowers or cereals for making the Rangolis instead of chemical colors that are rampantly available in the market. Environment pollution is not an illness that can be cured with these measures flashing. But it is time and proper to take a step towards eco-friendly practices in whatever we do. Diwali can be a very frightening and confusing time for your pets. You could request your neighbors not use crackers for the sake of the pets in your area. Take them for a walk in the day before the festivities start. Green Diwali related images pictures, and greetings…
“Don’T Act Mean, Go Green. Celebrate An Eco-Friendly Diwali This Year.”
“Green Is The New Black. Have A Eco-Friendly Diwali.”
“Let’s Fill Our Homes With Prayers & Light Not With Fumes & Crackers.”
“Let Us Have A Smoke Free And Breathe Free Diwali.”
“Let This Diwali Burn All Your Bad Times, Celebrate An Eco-Friendly Diwali!”
“Give Out Children A Green Future. Say No To Fireworks.”
How you can Observe Smokeless, Noiseless and safe Diwali without crackers
How you can Observe Smokeless, Noiseless and safe Diwali without crackers
How you can Observe Smokeless, Noiseless and safe Diwali without crackers
How you can Observe Smokeless, Noiseless and safe Diwali without crackers
How you can Observe Smokeless, Noiseless and safe Diwali without crackers
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